On the Street Where You Live

On the Street Where You Live
Bye snowy seagull... time to start thinking warm thoughts.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year's Resolution


This blog is about 12 days too late for making the grand entrance into the new year with bold assumptions goals and confetti but for all of you who made resolutions on January 1st and have forgotten them by now you can thank me for reminding me that they do, in fact, still exist 12 days later. Without further ado: the resolution:

Dear 2011,

In order to add purpose and meaning to this year of learning, I promise to share the perspectives I've been privileged to gain by being both a stranger in, and a member of, 2 different countries this year. I promise to comment on these perspectives at least twice a month, even if it's only one sentence. 


To be honest, I've been harboring this resolution since October when my journal full of observations and my email was full of notes to myself about things I had learned that day and my bookmark bar was too full to keep saving cool newspaper articles that spoke to the nature of the US or Germany. I had gathered a ton of information but I still didn't feel comfortable sharing because I wasn't sure I understood Germany well enough to be credible.  

During my holiday back in the states, however, I found myself starting every other sentence with “WELL, did you know that in Germany …” (cue bored uninterested look from cousins and friends whose vague to non-existent interest in Germany exists only in WWII movies) and I realized I knew more than I thought I knew, and it’s about time I share this knowledge... even if only to get it out of my system and become a cousin worth listening to again. 
I've spent the holiday writing future posts so I can be diligent about reporting, and sorry to say--you're gonna have to wait for the good stuff. 
I'll leave you today with a taste of what is to come by sharing with you my big, bold, probably-wouldn't-fly-with-my-professors-but-hey!-this-is-my-blog-and-I-can-do-what-I-want-so-deal-with-it, thesis statement. Eh hem…
I believe the state of German and American societies today are largely (if not entirely) based on the decisions made in the 10 years following WWII. Additionally, the things that make each society great are also tragic flaws that hinder growth and improvement as we navigate a world still battling financial crisis (and other nonsense).

So there you have it. A beautifully broad blanket statement that actually somehow fits with all of the hypothetical blog posts I’ve already written.

I hope the information I get to share here is enlightening to you, and who knows, maybe I can change the world with the stuff I report. It’s worth a shot. 

Happy New Year and good luck with all of your resolutions!

Bis Bald!


  1. I feel enlightened! And I'm excited to hear more about your thesis - who knows, maybe it will end up fitting into my own research over here :)
